The Chasm by Victor Canning
© 2002-2017
Set in Italy

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Set in Appennines
(Emilia Romagna)

Out of Print

VICTOR CANNING was born in 1911, in Plymouth, Devon. He was educated at Plymouth Technical College and Oxford Central School. He married Phyllis McEwen in 1934 and Adria Irving-Bell in 1976. He had two daughters. He died in 1986, in Cirencester, Gloucestershire.

Victor Canning

The Chasm

Jacket Notes:  FACE TO FACE...
Edward Burgess was led by fate to the Italian mountain village of Montefalcone. He was following the same road he had walked seventeen years before. His old companions were dead-and yet their faces would constantly appear to him, their laughter ringing in his ears...

In the small village, Burgess seemed to find something to live for in the smile of the beautiful Gemma. But suddenly he realized that one face was not a part of his hallucination--it was quite real. And then he knew that only violent death could wipe the face away forever...
(© Berkley Medallion Books)

Victor Canning Book List
The Chasm | Venetian Bird | The Python Project