In the Hand of Dante by Nick Tosches
© 2002-2017
Set in Italy

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Set in Vatican City
Cuba, Bora Bora
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NICK TOCHES is the author of the acclaimed nonfiction "Where Dead Voices Gather," "The Devil and Sonny Liston," "Dino," "Power on Earth," "Hellfire," "Country," and "Unsung Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll;" and of the novels "Trinities" and "Cut Numbers." He is a contributing editor of "Vanity Fair" and lives in New York City.

Nick Tosches

In the Hand of Dante

JACKET NOTES:  Deep inside the Vatican library, a priest discovers the rarest and most valuable art object ever found: the manuscript of "The Divine Comedy," written in Dante's own hand.
Via Sicily, the manuscript makes its way from the priest to a mob boss in New York City, where a writer named Nick Tosches is called to authenticate the prize. For this writer, the temptation is too great: he steals the manuscript in a last-chance bid to have it all. As this dark and twisted journey unfolds, so too does a parallel tale: the odyssey of Dante himself, a man trying to weave a poem that contains the sum of the world's wisdom and the very breath of the divine.
This novel combines Tosches' vast scholarship about "The Divine Comedy," Dante Alighieri, and the Middle Ages with an equally vast and intimate knowledge of the lowest murdering scum of New York's ugliest streets. IN THE HAND OF DANTE is a work of astounding audacity and beauty, the masterwork that Nick Tosches has been building toward for years. Some will find it offensive; others will declare it transcendent; it is certain to be the most ragingly debated novel of the decade.
(© Little, Brown & Company)