© 2002-2017 Italian-mysteries.com
Set in Italy


Steven Saylor
Lindsey Davis
John Maddox Roberts
Marilyn Todd
Ron Burns
David Wishart
Jane Finnis
The Mammoth Book of Roman Whodunnits edited by Mike Ashley

Historical Novels
Set in Ancient Rome

Robert Harris - Pompeii

Robert Harris - Imperium

Steven Saylor - Roma

Steven Saylor 


STEVEN SAYLOR has had a lifelong fascination with ancient Rome, beginning with the drive-in movies of his boyhood (Cleopatra, Spartacus, Ben Hur), on to his degree in history from the University of Texas, and through his appearances on the History Channel as an expert on Roman politics and life. He is the author of ten volumes in the Roma Sub rosa series, featuring Gordianus the Finder. He splits his time between homes in Austin, Texas, and Berkeley, California.

Gordianus the Finder

© Year

Novels of the Ancient World
#13 The Seven Wonders (92 B.C.)
#14 Raiders of the Nile (88 B.C.) NEW!!

Roma Sub Rosa Series
#1 Roman Blood (80 B.C.)
#2 Arms of Nemesis (72 B.C.)
#3 Catilina’s Riddle  (63 B.C.)
#4 Venus Throw (56 B.C.)
#5 A Murder on the Appian Way (52 B.C.)
#6 The House of the Vestals
#7 Rubicon (49 B.C.)
#8 Last Seen in Massilia (49 B.C.)
#9 A Mist of Prophecies (48 B.C.)
#10 The Judgement of Caesar (48 B.C.)
#11 A Gladiator Dies Only Once

ROMA - The Novel of Ancient Rome
EMPIRE - The Novel of Imperial Rome