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Set in Naples

Out of Print


GREGORY DOWLING was born and educated in Bristol, and studied English at Christ Church, Oxford. A year of teaching in Italy led to "just one more," and for the last twelve years Dowling has remained in Venice, where he teaches at the university and translates. He married Patrizia, from Verona, in 1983 and they have two sons.

Gregory Dowling

The January Esposito Series

See Naples and Kill

Jacket Notes:  It had been a bad week for January Esposito. First, he is fired from his job in London; then a letter from his girlfriend enclosing a snapshot of her wedding to a Mormon missionary. A visit from his medallion-sporting brother Gigi didn't help, particularly when his hasty departure through the kitchen window coincided with a mysterious visit from two less amicable Italians. January couldn’t quite fathom why they were taking such an inordinate interest in his classical music collection and, having accepted their rather crudely expressed invitation to a drive round the country-side, felt he might not live long enough to find out.
But January rather fancied himself as a Neapolitan version of Philip Marlowe, and wasn't about to be distracted from unearthing the truth about the whole strange affair by a couple of cheap hoodlums. So, leaving a trail of devastation and hastily improvised disguises behind him, he sets off for Naples.
Jan's quick wit and ingenuity have saved him in the past, but even he finds himself sorely tested by a mystery that is fast assuming global and deadly proportions.
(© St. Martin’s Press)