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Set in Italy

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Manning Coles
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Set in Lake Como
 ©1955, 1983

Out of Print

Manning Coles is a joint pseudonym of Adelaide Frances Oke Manning (1891-1959) and Cyril Henry Coles (1899-1965). They also wrote under the pseudonym 'Francis Gaite'.

Manning Coles

The Man in the Green Hat

JACKET NOTES:  A British diplomat, looking natty in a green hat, walks into the brooding hills above Lake Como and disappears. The police investigate but can uncover no clues or evidence. This is a job for British Intelligence in the person of none other than the intrepid Tommy Hambledon.

Hambledon takes on Italy's vicious underworld, is diverted by some society types, and side-steps some unrepentant fascists in this rapid-transit chase for a mastermind and a hidden treasure.
(© Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc.)