Imbroglio by Richard Oliver Collin
© 2002-2017
Set in Italy

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Set in Rome

RICHARD OLIVER COLLIN, a native of Buffalo, New York, served at the United States Embassy in Rome as an intelligence officer during the late 1960s and early 1970s. He presently lives in Oxford, England. Imbroglio is his first novel.

Richard Oliver Collin


JACKET NOTES:   Robert Kiev is not the heroic type. He is shy, quiet, horny, fearful of his superiors at the American Embassy in Rome. But the opportunity for heroism, however little lie may want it, is about to he thrust upon him. And so is the lovely Gabriella. How will the career diplomat react when the future of Italy, and his love life, are both put in his customarily timid hands?

Colonel Marcus McKean, on the other hand, is the heroic type. He too can affect the course of the nation, his love life, and the lives of several others as well. He is better equipped to deal with such things than Kley. But lie has a fatal flaw...

Take one part Graham Greene, one part Woody Alien, and one part original voice and perspective, and you have Richard Oliver CoIIin--a major new talent in best-selling fiction.
(© St. Martin’s Press)