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Set in Rome (Lazio)
World War II

Martha Albrand

Without Orders

- A young American officer suddenly imprisoned in an Italian insane asylum, where doctors insist he's a nobleman who been their patient for over twenty-four years!
- A strange accident that calimed the life of a beautiful contessa as she strolled unsuspectingly along a quiet Roman street!
- A time bomb planted in the basement of the Nazi's busy operations center!
Someone was carefully arranging everything. Releasing Lt. Charles Barrett from the asylum after he signed a statement "accepting" his Italian identity. Binding the young lieutenant to the lovely Italian aristocrat, Sybilla San Vigilio with a vow of revenge that had to be kept. Even arranging the circumstances that made Sybilla and the American fall so desperately in love.
But who was behind it all? The Nazi High Command--clawing to maintain its terrifying grip on war-torn Italy? The Italian Underground--struggling to save thousands of their condemned countrymen? The American--planning a crucial, final step in the war?
And what fateful mission was being relentlessly thrust upon Sybilla and the American officer--by someone who seemed to have full control over their lives?
(© Award Books)