Fall of Night by Giose Rimanelli
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Set in (Molise)
Venice (Veneto)
Milan (Lombardia)
 © 1954

GIOSE RIMANELLI was born in Casacalenda (Molise), Italy, of an Italian father a a Canadian mother. At 18 he ran away to war but between battles he managed to study at the University of Milan. After the war he worked as an oil salesman and in this spare time translated Rimbaud, Verlaine, Materlinck, and Rilke from the French. Later he went to France and taught music in the Latin Quarter of Paris. For a time he lived in Canada where he was editor of IL CITTADINA CANADESE. FALL OF NIGHT is his first novel. He now resides in Milan (1955).

Giose Rimanelli

Fall of Night
(The Day of the Lion)

(Translated from the Italian by Ben Johnson)

JACKET NOTES:  THE FACTS OF LIFE. A powerful, realistic novel about a wayward Italian boy, who runs away from home, only to find himself trapped in the harsh web of Army life.

Too soon he learns the brutal facts of existence; from his Fascist masters--from the camp followers who are their mistresses--and from a passionate nurse who tries to console him, but plunges him, instead, into the fiery crucible of experience.
(© Random House, Inc.)