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Set in Torrealto
(Northern Italy

Douglas Rutherford

The Long Echo

Jacket Notes:  In this book Douglas Rutherford ventures Into an older world. In Torrealto, a mountain town in Northern Italy, violence is brewing, born of old feuds, long memories, a savage history and a fierce climate. Andrew Carson believed that it was his destiny to make amends for a wrong done four hundred years earlier, when a beautiful girl had committed suicide after being forsaken by her lover. He felt a strange affinity for this girl as she was portrayed on the central panel of an ancient triptych.
Yet Andrew's every action only precipitated disaster. brutal murder was committed--a murder for which Andrew himself had a demonstrable motive.
Douglas Rutherford's novel tells a moving story of love against the brooding atmosphere of Torrealto; and of a 'crime to which the mountains themselves seemed secret accomplices. From its haunting start till the exciting climax the reader will be gripped by this strange and compelling story.
(© Remploy Limited)