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Set in Venice

Out of Print

Daphne du Maurier

Don't Look Now

Jacket Notes:  A pair of grief-stricken parents and a strange set of psychic sisters whose vision of future tragedy goes unrecognized; a young girl who attempts to fulfill her dead father's wishes and thereby discovers the horrifying truth about her own past; an engineer who becomes involved in an experiment that seeks to answer the question of Death and the ultimate force of Life--
These are some of the characters whose strange adventures unfold with gripping suspense in this collection of five new tales by Daphne du Maurier. Chilling and compelling, all of the stories contain elements of mystery, and some of them touch on the supernatural in very real and frightening ways. And together they represent Daphne du Maurier at her very best--full of intricately woven drama and shattering surprise endings
Don't Look Now: A married couple on holiday in Venice is caught up in a sinister train of supernatural events.
Not After Midnight: A middle-aged schoolmaster is strangely impelled to investigate a repulsive American and his mysterious wife.
A Border-Line Case: A confident young actress loses her cool when she confronts her father's old friend on a lonely island.
The Way of the Cross:
An ill-assorted party of pilgrims from Little Bletford meets disaster in Jerusalem when the Vicar succumbs to 'flu.
The Breakthrough: A dedicated scientist abandons his scruples when he tries to tap the energy of the unconscious mind..
(© Doubleday & Company, Inc.)