Counterspy Express by A.S. Fleischman
© 2002-2017
Set in Italy

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Set in Genoa, San Remo
Cold War

A.S. Fleischman

Counterspy Express

JACKET NOTES:  HIS SECRET MANHUNT MIGHT ROCK THE WORLD! Victor Welles' hush-hush mission seemed simple--find the hiding place of the fleeing Soviet atom-scientist and bring him and his vitally important secrets back to America. But when other international agents had the same ides, what could have been simple turn into a murderous rat race.
The dank byways of Genoa, the glittering gambling palaces of San Remo and Monte Carlo, the rocky frozen roads to Occupied Austria and spy-ridden Switzerland--these are the backdrops.
A love-hungy blonde, a cold-eyed Italian major, a bearded adventurer who sold death on the installment plan, a German who played away his life on a card--these are the main characters.
Together they combine to produce one of the topy spy thrillers in a long time. This ACE Original is a COUNTERSPY EXPRESS that moves at top speed and has no stops.
(© Ace Books, Inc.)