Sleeper by Paul Adam
© 2002-2017
Set in Italy

CRIMNI - Italian Noir


Paul Adam
 Unhold Trinity
Oliver Banks
 The Caravaggio Obsession
Tonino Benacquista
 Holy Smoke
Carlo Fruttero & Franco Lucentini
 The Sunday Woman
Marcello Fois
 The Advocate
Leslie Forbes
 Waking Raphael
Luca di Fulvio
 The Mannequin Man
Carlo Emilio Gadda
 That Awful Mess on Via Merulana
Giuseppe Genna
 In the Name of Ishmael
Kelly Jones
 The Lost Madonna
Amara Lakhous
 Clash of Civilizations Over An Elevator in Piazza Vittorio
Dacia Maraini
William D. Montalbano
Magdalen Nabb
  & Paolo Vagheggi
 The Prosecutor
Ottavio Cappellani
 Who Is Lou Sciortino?
 Sicilian Tragedee
Ben Pastor
 Liar Moon
Alessandro Perissinotto
 Blood Sisters
Ellis Peters
 Holiday with Violence
Juan Manuel de Prada
 The Tempest
Giampiero Rigosi
 Night Bus
Giorgio Scerbanenco
 Duca and the Milan Murders
Leonardo Sciascia
 A Man's Blessing
 Equal Danger
 The Day of the Owl
T.C. Van Adler
 St. Agatha's Breast


Paul Adam


JACKET NOTES:  Who would want to kill Tomaso Rainaldi, an elderly, unassuming violin-maker in the quiet Italian city of Cremona? For his friend and fellow violin-maker Gianni Castiglione, the murder is as mysterious as it is shocking. Rainaldi had few possessions, no enemies and little money. No one - Least of all the police - can fathom a motive for murdering him. All he really had was an obsessive love of violins.

And an encyclopaedic knowledge of them. Supposing he knew more than anyone else- not just about famous violins, but about missing violins? Ones of the calibre of the fabled Messiah, Stradivari's most sublime creation, the Mona Lisa of the music world. A violin now in the Ashmolean in Oxford - and worth 10 million pounds.

Aided by his friend, policeman Antonio Guastafeste, Gianni starts to investigate the dead man's affairs. Affairs that reveal an appointment in Venice with the eccentric and exceedingly rich violin-collector Enrico Forlani, and a trail that winds back to a mysterious musical past - and a far from harmonious future.

Retracing Rainaldi's steps, the two men find themselves involved in a sequence of startling events that lead to another murder, a mysterious Englishman and an unscrupulous violin-dealer. A train of events that careers across Italy and England as they become players in a game where musical instruments change hands for millions, where forgery is an art form and the preferred method of negotiation is murder...

Sleeper strikes a highly original chord in the canon of thrillers. Accompanied by two centuries of myth, music and mystery, it provides a fascinating glimpse into a closed world - played at a rhythm that is fast-paced, furious and unforgettable.
(© Time Warner Books)

Set in Venice (Veneto)
Cremona, Milan (Lombardia)
Casale Monferrato (Piemonte)

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