Dacia Maraini
DACIA MARAINI is Italy's most controversial author. Works translated into English include Isolina, The Silent Duchess (Campiello Prize 1990) and Bagheria. A fearless political and social campaigner, she is hated by the power brokers of Italian society. As The Guardian put it: Once Alberto Moravia's lover, she is now a bestselling writer, vociferous about women and the Left, who has turned detective. No wonder the Italian establishment want to silence Dacia Maraini. |
Set in Rome (Lazio)
Florence (Toscana)
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(Translated from the Italian by
Dick Kitto and Elspeth Spottiswood)
JACKET NOTES: Michela Canova, a radio journalist, returns home to find that Angela Ban, her neighbour, has been murdered.
Coincidentally, she is asked to prepare a series on crimes against women. Researching the programmes, Michela Canova is forced to confront the every day horror and violence if big city life.
Did Angela Ban, seemingly so sweet and fragile, drive her many admirers to the very limit of sexual frenzy until one of them exploded in an orgy of hatred and loathing? And why does she, Michela Canova, see the same pattern of incitement and repulsion repeat itself in her own relationships?
Once again, Dacia Maraini asks fundamental questions about the human condition.
How much can individuals escape patterns of domination, of male domination, that are in place the world ever?
Her sophisticated answers show why Maraini is one of Europe's outstanding voices.
(© Serpents Tail)