Book Description: Inspector Giacomo Amaldi is confronted with a series of murders whose victims are mutilated, the only common element being the use of taxidermist thread to stitch up the wounds. Set in a city much like Genoa this is a page turner that fascinates less by its evocation of horror than by the suspenseful plotting and the humanity of the protagonists.
Synopsis: "Know why she's smiling?" he asked, pointing a small torch at the corpse. "Fish hooks. Two fish hooks at the corners of her mouth, a bit of nylon, pull it round the back of the head and tie a knot." Amaldi noticed the metallic glint at the corners of the taut mouth. Inspector Amaldi had enough problems. A city choked by a rubbish strike, a beautiful student harassed by a telephone stalker, an arson case at the city orphanage. Then the mutilated bodies begin to appear.
(© Bitter Lemon Press)