Roman Ring by C.P. Bracken
© 2002-2017
Set in Italy

CRIMNI - Italian Noir


Paul Adam
 Unhold Trinity
Oliver Banks
 The Caravaggio Obsession
Tonino Benacquista
 Holy Smoke
Carlo Fruttero & Franco Lucentini
 The Sunday Woman
Marcello Fois
 The Advocate
Leslie Forbes
 Waking Raphael
Luca di Fulvio
 The Mannequin Man
Carlo Emilio Gadda
 That Awful Mess on Via Merulana
Giuseppe Genna
 In the Name of Ishmael
Kelly Jones
 The Lost Madonna
Amara Lakhous
 Clash of Civilizations Over An Elevator in Piazza Vittorio
Dacia Maraini
William D. Montalbano
Magdalen Nabb
  & Paolo Vagheggi
 The Prosecutor
Ottavio Cappellani
 Who Is Lou Sciortino?
 Sicilian Tragedee
Ben Pastor
 Liar Moon
Alessandro Perissinotto
 Blood Sisters
Ellis Peters
 Holiday with Violence
Juan Manuel de Prada
 The Tempest
Giampiero Rigosi
 Night Bus
Giorgio Scerbanenco
 Duca and the Milan Murders
Leonardo Sciascia
 A Man's Blessing
 Equal Danger
 The Day of the Owl
T.C. Van Adler
 St. Agatha's Breast


Set in Rome

Out of Print


CATHRINE BRACKEN lives in Brighton where she runs a launderette with the help of her brother. Before starting business on her own, she was an international civil servant and spent ten years with Western European Union. Her experiences in Belgium. France. Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, arranging and recording conferences, allied to her private interests in antiques and rare books, gives her first novel its special international flavour. (1968)

C. P. Bracken

Roman Ring

JACKET NOTES:  On a rare book advisory job in Rome 23-year-old Antonia James is blackmailed into helping a Ring of dealers steal valuable books and manuscripts. Duncan Foster, an English expert working with the Italian police to break the Ring, enlists her as a double agent to identify and trap the criminals.

But the American backers of the Ring want quick results and this means violence. A student is murdered, a young artist knifed, Duncan faces elimination. The battle of the books is on.

The dark passages of Nero's ruined Golden House, the Flea Market, Livia's painted room, a dolce vita night club, fringe the Ring whose centre is Mario, bemusing Antonia, amusing Duncan, confusing the police.
(© Cassell Crime)