Axe for an Abbot by Elizabeth Eyre
© 2002-2017
Set in Italy


Barbara Cherne
Elizabeth Eyre
George Herman
Beverle Graves Myers
Jim Williams

Historical Fiction
by Sarah Dunant

Sacred Hearts
The Birth of Venus
In the Company of the

Set in the Italian

Out of Print

Elizabeth Eyre

The Sigismondo Mystery Series

Axe for an Abbot

JACKET NOTES:  Abbot Bonifaccio of Pietra is a magnificent figure of a man; austerity plays little part in his life. The Abbot is more concerned with material than spiritual matters, and when Brother leronimo's latest vision of the virgin suggests to him that a gift is on its way to the Abbey, he's determined not to be unprepared. When monks working in the infirmary bring him a priceless bejewelled cross found on a patient, he has no doubt that this is the intended gift--and he will use all his cunning to keep it. Setting out for the town of Rocca for painful discussions on taxes with the Duke. he proudly displays the jewel, ignoring Brother Ieronimo's dramatic warning: 'Blood! Blood! Don't go, Father! Blood waits for you in Rocca!
When the Abbot is found murdered, Ieronimo by his side clutching the axe that killed him, it seems that the mad monk has taken direct action to ensure his prophecy is fulfilled. But where is the cross? The Abbot is not the first to die for the sake of the treasure, and there are many possible assassins to hand.
The Duke of Rocca knows that only the former mercenary Sigismondo can unravel the mystery. With his seemingly half-witted servant Benno and the scruffy dog Biondello Sigismondo accepts the Duke's commission--but Sigismondo has his own enemies, including some who believe he has the cross about his person. In days when life is cheap, time is not on Sigismondo's side as he undertakes the search for justice...
(© Headline Book Publishing)