Poison for the Prince by Elizabeth Eyre
© 2002-2017 Italian-mysteries.com
Set in Italy


Barbara Cherne
Elizabeth Eyre
George Herman
Beverle Graves Myers
Jim Williams

Historical Fiction
by Sarah Dunant

Sacred Hearts
The Birth of Venus
In the Company of the

Set in the Italian

Out of Print

Elizabeth Eyre

The Sigismondo Mystery Series

Poison for the Prince

JACKET NOTES:  Prince Scipione of Viverra is in danger: his vassal Carlotti has claimed the city of Mascia for his own. The Pope is ready to give the Papal state to another if the Prince proves weak. The Prince needs a victory at Mascia even as he needs to discover the Philosopher's Stone to make gold for his empty treasury.
When Sigismondo arrives from Mascia he brings news of triumph--the Prince's condottiere, Ridolfo Ridolfi, has taken the city---but finds the Prince still in peril. Is it from those closest to him? Is his wife Isotta concealing an affair that threatens the Prince and his state? Does the hostage Donato Landucci want vengeance for his father's defeat? Mercenaries can be fickle--is Ridolfi after the Princedom? What about the mysterious alchemist, Doctor Vergilio? And the celebrated holy friar Brother Ambrogio, who is using the people's fear of encroaching plague to preach sedition?
Then foul murder strikes, but who is poisoned? It is a prelude to a greater and more explosive threat. Sigismondo, accompanied as always by the shrewd half-wit Benno and Biondello the dog, is challenged time and again by those who would give poison to a prince...
(© Headline Book Publishing PLC)