© 2002-2017 Italian-mysteries.com
Mystery Series
Set in Italy


Donna Leon
Andrea Camilleri
Michael Dibdin
Timothy Williams
Magdalen Nabb
Grace Brophy
Massimo Carlotto
Gianrico Carofiglio
Carlo Lucarelli
Timothy Holme
Iain Pears
Edward Sklepowich
Marshall Browne
David Hewson
Simon Buck
Aaron Elkins

Set in Venice
 Out of Print

Timothy Holme

The Achille Peroni Mystery Series

The Devil and the Dolce Vita

Jacket Notes: The hot Neapolitan blood of Commissario Achille Peroni runs chill in anticipation of the clammy, fog-bound Venetian winter. Seconded to the Venice Questura, the ‘Valentino of the Italian police’ feels he is no more than a museum attendant! But Khezia Michaelis changes all that. A beautiful and mysterious chanteuse with the dark dangerous eyes of an Israeli woman soldier, her image haunts Peroni. All he has to do is find her.
The disappearance of the lovely café singer plunges Peroni into a web of decadence, devil worship and abduction. A dilettante super-rich clique hooked on black magic attempts to buy him off, body and soul. Can high ideals and the love of a good woman save Peroni from an evil as old as Time and the Devil's path to the dolce vita?
(© Futura Publications)