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Set in Italy

Candace Dempsey
 Murder in Italy

Angela K. Nickerson
 A Journey into
  Michelangelo's Rome

Douglas Preston & Mario Spezi
 The Monster of Florence
John Berendt
 The City of Falling Angels
Toni Sepeda
Brunetti's Venice
   Walking Through the Novels

Roberta Pianaro
At Table with Brunetti
   A Taste of Venice

Jonathan Harr
 The Lost Painting

Lucien Gregoire
 Murder in the Vatican

John Cornwell
 A Thief in the Night

Family Roots
Frank Viviano
 Blood Washes Blood

World War II
Eric Newby
 Love and War in the Appennines

Memoirs &Travel Essays
Eric Newby
 A Small Place in Italy
Eric Newby
 On the Shores of the Mediterranean
Marlena De Blasi
 A Thousand Days in Venice
 A Thousand Days in Tuscany
Frances Mayes
 Under the Tuscan Sun
Paula Weideger
 Venetian Dreaming

Renaissance History
Timothy Holme
Vile Florentines

Set in Florence

TIMOTHY HOLME was born in 1928 and began his working life in the theater. After seven years of acting he reluctantly switched to journalism and during this time he spent a holiday in Italy, where he met and married his Italian teacher, Bianca. They settled in Verona and he wrote several non-fiction books (including a biography of Goldoni) and the five Peroni mysteries. He died in Italy in 1987.


Timothy Holme

Vile Florentines

JACKET NOTES:  No city state in history has been the setting for such fierce brutality and sheer driving creativity as was Florence from the mid-thirteenth to the mid-fourteenth centuries. It was a city every bit as vicious as ancient Rome, as lofty as Athens, as uninhibited as Sodom and Gomorrah. Poets, soldiers, artists, popes, courtesans--all played their part in Florence's towering tragi-comedy.
This drama was reflected and depicted by three men of genius: Dante, politician and poet; Giotto, artist, architect and wit; and Boccaccio, adventurer and writer. Dante held high office at the time when Florence's affairs--bitterly chronicled in his Divine Comedy--were at their bloodiest and most violent, and tried, unavailingly and tragically, to divert the city's disaster course. Giotto, whose concerns were paint and stone rather than politics, never suffered from Florentine savagery - his life and work reflect rather the city's liberality, magnificence. comedy: its lavish was' of life and its passionate love of art. But it is left to Boccaccio, youngest of the trio, standing on the threshold of the Renaissance, to reveal in The Decameron Florence's rampant sensuality, from the elegant and luxurious to the outrageously bawdy.
Drawing on contemporary anecdotes, and later Italian writers. Timothy Holme has written an absorbing account of the men and women of medieval Florence, and in particular of the three giants. Dante, Giotto and Boccaccio. Very different in temperament, their fortunes were closely entwined: Dante wrote of Giotto; Boccaccio hero-worshipped Dante; Giotto painted Dante; Boccaccio portrayed Giotto in his Decameron. And all three were involved in that extraordinary, turbulent city - the Florence of the Middle Ages.
(© St. Martin’s Press)