Shroud for the Archbishop by Peter Tremayne
© 2002-2017
Set in Italy


Umberto Eco
Alan Gordon
Peter Tremayne

Peter Tremayne

The Sister Fidelma Mysteries

PETER TREMAYNE is the fictiion seudonym for Peter Berresford Ellis, a prominent autority on the ancient Celts. As Tremayne, he is the author of twelve books featuring Sister Fidelma. He lives in London.

Set in Rome
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Shroud for the Archbishop

JACKET NOTES:  In the autumn of A.D. 664, the Holy City of Rome is the capital of Christendom. From the quaint far edge of the world--Ireland--comes Sister Fidelma of Kildare, along with a delegation of Saxon converts with whom she disagrees. But now the sharp-witted, outspoken young religieuse, trained in criminal investigation in a land where women aspire to the same roles as men, is being called upon to solve a murder.
The archbishop designate of Canterbury, a strategic ally of Rome, has been found garroted in his chambers in the Lateran Palace, and a priceless trove of religious objects has disappeared. While the Romans believe they know the killer’s identity, Sister Fidelma is not so sure. Her inquiry will take her through some of Rome’s most spectacular sights and darkest passageways, into a mystery that lies at the heart of a world echoing with the religious conflict...a mystery in which the dying has only begun...
(© Signet-the Penguin Group)

Other Sister Fidelma Mysteries
not set in Italy
Absolution by Murder © 1994
Suffer Little Children © 1995
The Subtle Serpent © 1996
Spider's Web © 1997
Valley of the Shadow © 1998
The Monk Who Vanished © 1999
Act of Mercy © 1999
Hemlock at Vespers © 2000
Our Lady of Darkness © 2000
Smoke in the Wind © 2001
The Haunted Abbot © 2002
Badger's Moon © 2003