A Dying Light in Corduba by Lindsey Davis
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Steven Saylor
Lindsey Davis
John Maddox Roberts
Marilyn Todd
Ron Burns
David Wishart
Jane Finnis
The Mammoth Book of Roman Whodunnits edited by Mike Ashley

Historical Novels
Set in Ancient Rome

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Lindsey Davis

The Marcus Didius Falco Mystery Series

A Dying Light in Corduba

JACKET NOTES:  Surprisingly, nobody is poisoned at the Society of Olive Oil Producers banquet. The attempted murder of Rome's Chief Spy occurs immediately afterward. Suspicion, like the Italian night, quickly falls on the dinner's sinuous dancer, a lady who has already left for Corduba, Spain. Naturally, Marcus Didius Falco, the Philip Marlowe of Roman detectives, is dispatched to follow her. But he has pledged to stay with his pregnant, patrician wife, Helena, until she gives birth. Caught between Scylla and Charybdis, Falco makes a perhaps fatal mistake: He brings Helena with him to a terra incognita of olives and intrigue, where a dies irae and a remorseless killer wait...
(©The Mysterious Press)