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The Bridge
 (Juarez - El Paso)

Vares: Private Eye

Look of a Killer

East West 101
The Code NEW
 (Political Thriller)

Epitafios (Epitaphs)

 (Robert Wilson)





Set in Australia

The show is based on the New South Wales Police's Major Crimes Unit, starring Don Hany as a Muslim police officer named Detective Zane Malik and William McInnes as Anglo-Australian Detective Sergeant Ray Crowley as they investigate serious crimes in New South Wales affecting people of all races while trying to balance their lives, especially when the two officers had experienced tragic events that threaten to work against their ethics as policemen.

This series was recently shown on MHz Networks Worldview's International Mystery program.

Commercial Availabilty of DVDs
for the HomeVideo Market

In Australian accented English with NO English Subtitles

In the United States, The DVDs (Region 1 NTSC)
are available for MHz Networks and Amazon

Region 1, NTSC Region 1, NTSC
Episodes 1-6 Episodes 2(1-7) & 3(1-7)
BUY from MHz! BUY from MHz!
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Episode Descriptions

Episode 1  The Enemy Within

Muslim detective, Zane Malik, is fighting crime in a post 9/11 world. A police officer is killed, apparently by two armed robbers 'of middle Eastern appearance.

Episode 2  Death at the Station

Bad drugs are being sold on the streets of Redfern. Local Aboriginal leader and anti drug crusader, Adam King, is trying to get the drugs off the street when he is shot. Some say he has been assassinated.

Episode 3  Islander Sacrifice

Two Lebanese youths and a schoolgirl are killed in a drive by shooting. Inspector Wright, appoints Malik to run the investigation. Crowley desn't like his junior colleague supervising the case.

Episode 4  Hunt for the Killer

The brutal slaying of a Vietnamese couple in Cabramatta is carried out amidst the stress of the Internal Affairs investigation. This time it's Malik in the hot seat. Whatever he says to I.A. will affect Crowley's future.

Episode 5  Haunted by the Past

In the midst of investigating the murder of a Serbian car salesman, Malik's obsession with the past deepens.

Episode 6  The Hand of Friendship

Hunt is missing. HQ received a panicked call from a woman accusing Malik of killing him. Is he dead? And is Malik responsible?

Episode Descriptions

Episode 1  The Lost Boy

A suburban printer is killed in a car bomb attack. Is this the work of Muslim extremists? Or is it a criminal act? As Detective Zane Malik of Major Crime links up with National Security to search for the truth, the news of the bomb hits the media, and there is fallout in the community.

Episode 2  A Prodigal Fear

The Major Crime and NSO investigation into the car bomb deaths results in Malik going undercover to track a possible suspect. While he is undercover a Chinese student is discovered murdered. Detectives Lim and Callas get to the bottom of an extortion ring.

Episode 3  Just Cargo

Detective Zane Malik is deep undercover, and in danger. Can he can link arms dealer, Akmal, with the car bomb murder of an NSO agent? Agent Skerritt thinks he can. When Akmal’s girlfriend, a Russian prostitute, is killed, Akmal orders a hit on the man who killed her, a sleazy sex trafficker. And he wants Malik to do it.

Episode 4  Ice in the Veins

An ambulance officer is stabbed to death by a kid in an Ice induced rage. When Detective Sonny Koa delivers the death knock, he bonds with the dead man’s Maori family. Sometimes in a detective’s work, the break comes from left field. In investigating the Ice racket, the detectives find a link to the stolen arms that killed the NSO agent in a car bomb. But can Malik convince his imprisoned target, Akmal, to help?

Episode 5  Men of Conscience

Akmal is killed in prison. Malik is determined to find out the truth behind his murder and the murder of NSO agent. Going to Canberra with the widow of the NSO agent leads Malik to an old foe. But his absence causes problems when the squad investigate a mysterious crossbow killing. Inspector Wright juggles professional and personal problems, as her own brother is the target of a intended hit.

Episode 6  Another Life

The shooting of Inspector Patricia Wright’s brother unites the team at Major Crime. Can they bring the killers to justice? While the detectives gather together to help their boss, a respected transplant surgeon is murdered. Malik’s wife, fed up with his obsession with work, leaves with their children.

Episode 7  Atonement

Major Crime and NSO unite once again as a terror attack looms as a real possibility. Detective Zane Malik uses everything in his power to discover the conspirators and in doing so finally finds out why Agent Angleton was killed.

Episode Descriptions
Episode 1  The Hero's Standard #301

Detective Zane Malik of the Major Crime Squad, faces the toughest challenge of his life when a very public crime has very personal ramifications.

Episode 2  Heart of Darkness #302

A Somali teenager is found viciously bashed to death in a lonely railway tunnel. The investigation leads Koa and Malik to a Somali man, Asad, who is rumoured to be recruiting Somalis to return to Africa to fight for Al-Shabaab.

Episode 3  Jerusalem #303

The mysterious double murder of a Jewish couple leaves few leads. According to the woman’s son, David, a large amount of cash is missing, along with the student who was living with them, a Palestinian.

Episode 4  Transit of Venus #304

Wright becomes personally involved in a case when a young woman is found raped and murdered after getting into a taxi.

Episode 5  The Price of Salvation #305

Detective Sonny Koa treads a fine line between his obligations as a cop and his obligations to his community as he attempts to save an Islander youth from going off the rails. 2011. In Australian-accented English.

Episode 6  Behold A Pale Horse #306

What has the armed robbery of 36 million and the subsequent escalating violence got to do with a drug rip and massacre in Kandahar, Afghanistan?

Episode 7  Revelation #307

Two youths are shot dead while fishing. Malik knows first hand what Yelena Moyan, the boys’ mother, is going through.