When in Rome by Ngaio Marsh
© 2002-2017 Italian-mysteries.com
Mystery Series
Set in Italy


Donna Leon
Andrea Camilleri
Michael Dibdin
Timothy Williams
Magdalen Nabb
Grace Brophy
Massimo Carlotto
Gianrico Carofiglio
Carlo Lucarelli
Timothy Holme
Iain Pears
Edward Sklepowich
Marshall Browne
David Hewson
Simon Buck
Aaron Elkins

Set in Rome

Brose or Buy

A native of New Zealand, whose name means "flowering tree," NGAIO MARSH was awarded the Order of the British Empire for her superb mysteries. The continuing popularity of her hero, Scotland Yard's Roderick Alleyn, assures her a lasting place among the world's top mystery authors. She died in 1982.

Ngaio Marsh

The Roderick Alleyn Mystery Series

When in Rome

JACKET NOTES:  The exclusive guided tour promised a view of Rome's ancient splendors and today's dolce vita. But--in a subterranean grotto of Mithraic sacrifice--one of the party vanished, and Inspector Roderlek Alleyn's holiday was over!
(© Jove Books)

The Roderick Alleyn Mystery Series

More books in the series...
Not set in Italy
A Man Lay Dead
Enter a Murderer
The Nursing-Home Murder
Death in Ecstasy
Vintage Murder
Artists in Crime
Death in a White Tie
Oveture to Death
Death in the Bar
Death of a Peer
(Surfeit of Lampreys)
Death and the Dancing Footman
Colour Scheme
Died in the Wool
Final Curtain
A Wreath for Rivera
(Swing, Brother, Swing)
Night at the Vulcan
(Opening Night)
Spinster in Jeopardy
(The Bride of Death)
Scales of Justice
Death of a Fool
(Off with His Head)
Singing in the Schrouds
False Scent
Hand in Glove
Dead Water
Killer Dolphin
(Death at the Dolphin)
Clutch of Constables
Tied Up in Tinsel
Black as He's Painted
Last Ditch
Grave Mistake
Photo Finish
Light Thickens