The Seventh Sinner by Elizabth Peters
© 2002-2017
Mystery Series
Set in Italy


Donna Leon
Andrea Camilleri
Michael Dibdin
Timothy Williams
Magdalen Nabb
Grace Brophy
Massimo Carlotto
Gianrico Carofiglio
Carlo Lucarelli
Timothy Holme
Iain Pears
Edward Sklepowich
Marshall Browne
David Hewson
Simon Buck
Aaron Elkins

Set in Rome
Out of Print
ELIZABETH PETERS is the author of over twenty acclaimed mysteries. She has also written twenty-four novels of suspense under the pseudonym Barbara Michaels. Ms. Peters, whose novels are often set against historical backdrops, earned a Ph.D. in Eqyptology at the University of Chicago. She is the mother of two and grandmother of two more. She currently divides her time between Chicago and Frederick, MD.

Elizabeth Peters

The Jacqueline Kirby Mystery Series

The Seventh Sinner

JACKET NOTES:  For vibrant, lovely Jean Suttman, the fellowship to study in Rome was the culmination of all her dreams--until she undertook an Innocent expedition to the ancient subterranean Temple of Mithra.
From the moment she stepped into the pagan darkness and discovered the corpse of the repulsive Albert, one of her fellow students, she was afraid. Not even the comforting presence of the perceptive and practical Jacqueline Kirby could erase the fear which was nourished by one small accident after another. “Accidents” which come dreadfully close to killing her.
Someone was stalking Jean, someone ruthless and determined. Before long she could see no chance of rescue from the ever-present hope of escape...nothing except death...
(©The Mysterious Press)

The Jacqueline Kirby Mystery Series

More books in the series...
Not set in Italy
The Murders of Richard III
Die for Love
Naked Once More