Ovid by David Wishart
© 2002-2017 Italian-mysteries.com
Set in Italy


Steven Saylor
Lindsey Davis
John Maddox Roberts
Marilyn Todd
Ron Burns
David Wishart
Jane Finnis
The Mammoth Book of Roman Whodunnits edited by Mike Ashley

Historical Novels
Set in Ancient Rome

Robert Harris - Pompeii

Robert Harris - Imperium

Steven Saylor - Roma

Set in
Ancient Rome


David Wishart

The Marcus Corvinus Mystery Series


Book Description: Banished by the Emperor Augustus, the great poet Ovid was to die in exile. Years after Ovid’s death, Marcus Corvinus, grandson of the poet’s patron, tries to arrange for the return of his ashes to Rome for burial. When official permission is refused, Corvinus makes the dangerous mistake of asking why the Emperor has forbid it.

JACKET NOTES:  Meet Marcus Corvinus, a young Roman who enjos wine, women and laughter far more than a hard day's work. You can hardly imagine a less likely sleuth. But when the woman needing help is as lovely as the Lady Perilla, stepdaughter of the poet Ovid, Corvinus finds himself unable to refuse. And before he knows it., is drawn deepter and deeper into a we of secrecy, treachery and deceitt...
(©New English Library)