Tour de Force by Christianna Brand
© 2002-2017
Mystery Series
Set in Italy


Donna Leon
Andrea Camilleri
Michael Dibdin
Timothy Williams
Magdalen Nabb
Grace Brophy
Massimo Carlotto
Gianrico Carofiglio
Carlo Lucarelli
Timothy Holme
Iain Pears
Edward Sklepowich
Marshall Browne
David Hewson
Simon Buck
Aaron Elkins

Set on an
Italian Island
©1955, 1983
Out of Print
CHRISTIANNA BRAND was born in Malaya and spent her childhood there and in India. Trying her hand at everything from nursery governess to professional ballroom dancing to salesgirl, Ms. Brand eventually turned to writing. Her first book, inspired by dread of a fellow worker, was turned down by fifteen publishers before it was accepted. Prior to her death in 1985, Ms. Brand and her husband, a retired surgeon, lived in Regency house in London, with her daughter and family close by.

Christianna Brand

The Inspector Cockrill Mystery Series

Tour de Force

JACKET NOTES:  This small Italian island is as pleasant as any in the Mediterranean. It helps Inspector Cockrill forget the cares and responsibilities of his Kent County Constabulary. But when a fellow tourist is found stabbed to death, Cockrill feels duty-bound to investigate. After all, the locals are slow to rouse to activity and the police exhibit a talent for ineptitude. What follows is hair-raising suspense that even Cockrill could not have foreseen.
(© Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc.)

The Inspector Cockrill Mystery Series

More books in the series...
Not set in Italy
Heads You Lose
Green for Danger
Suddenly at His Residence
(The Crooked Wreath)
Death of Jezebel
Fog of Doubt
(London Particular)